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Body Pain: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Pain is an unpleasant sensation in the body triggered by the nervous system. The onset of body pain can occur suddenly or slowly, depending on many factors, (e.g. environmental, biological, emotional, cognitive, etc.) Each individual is the best judge of the severity and frequency of his or her body pain.

Treating back and body pain — some suggestions:

Get plenty of rest, but don't stop moving. Especially with back pain, prolonged bed rest can actually make the condition worse. Generally, light activity can help treat body pain.

Cold/heat treatment — apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day until spasms and acute body pain subsides. Then apply warm, moist heat (such as hot compresses or warm baths) to loosen tight muscles

Pain relievers — over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or aspirin can be effective body pain treatments for individuals with back and body pain.

Types of Body Pain & Causes of Body Pain

There are generally two types of body pain: acute pain and chronic pain.

Acute body pain

Acute body pain results from an illness or event, such as injury or surgery. It generally occurs suddenly, then gradually diminishes, stops on its own or is helped by medical treatment. Acute pain can range from mild to severe and may last for weeks or months. If treated properly, acute body pain will subside within six months. If left untreated, acute pain can lead to chronic pain.

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Chronic body pain

Chronic body pain persists over time and may have no apparent cause, even after an injury has healed or an illness has subsided. Chronic pain can persist for weeks or even years. Sufferers of chronic pain may find it debilitating, resulting in loss of sleep and inability to function normally.

If you or someone you know suffers from acute or chronic body pain, make sure to see a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment options. Medication should be used as directed.

How common is back pain?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, back pain is second only to headache as the most common medical complaint in the United States and is the second leading cause of missed workdays. Each year, 80% of adults under 50 experience back pain at least once, and the majority will have multiple occurrences.1 Back injury is the number one occupational hazard in the U.S.1

Back or body pain can have a number of causes

Back and body pain can be attributed to various factors. Common causes include muscle tension and strain due to poor posture, overexertion, or sudden movements. Injuries, such as a muscle sprains, can also lead to pain. Accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment are essential for effectively managing these often debilitating conditions.

Degeneration of the spine, which often occurs with aging, can contribute to lower back pain, and may often lead to more serious conditions such as spondylosis (arthritis of the spine) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the space around the spinal cord and nerve roots due to arthritis and bone overgrowth). If you think you may be suffering from more severe back pain, talk to your doctor.

Preventing back and body pain — you can find pain relief

Back and body pain may be reduced or prevented by a healthy lifestyle..

Some tips for promoting back and body health:

  • Maintain good posture when sitting and standing
  • Use your legs to lift heavy objects
  • Carry heavy objects close to your body, and turn with your legs and not your waist to change direction
  • Maintain a healthy body weight. Excess weight can tax the body's muscles, especially the back muscles
  • Sleep on your side with bent knees. Consult your doctor about how firm your mattress should be

Suggestions for treating back and body pain:

Get plenty of rest, but don't stop moving. Especially with back pain, prolonged bed rest can actually make the condition worse. Generally, light activity can help treat body pain.

Cold/heat treatment — apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day until spasms and acute body pain subsides. Then apply warm, moist heat (such as hot compresses or warm baths) to loosen tight muscles

Pain relievers — over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or aspirin can be effective body pain treatments for individuals with back and body pain.

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