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Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions about head pain, head health, Excedrin, and Head Care products answered.*

Headache Relief


  • What is biofeedback? Can it really reduce pain?

    Biofeedback is one of the relaxation techniques commonly used in headache centers. Simply put, a machine is used to provide feedback to sufferers about muscle tension, which is associated with pain. Using that information patients learn to reduce the muscle tension in their bodies. With practice, this effect may be achieved without the machine. Studies have shown that people who learn biofeedback techniques can reduce pain by up to 50%-70%. For more information, contact The Biofeedback Certification Institute of America at (303) 420-2902.

  • Can therapeutic touch on pressure points help relieve headaches?

    Studies have shown that moderate therapeutic touch – such as massage – can be shown to alleviate head pain for some headache sufferers, or even lower blood pressure or heart rate.

    Read more about how.

  • What’s the best way to handle a headache when pregnant?

    While pregnant, mild headache prevention may mean avoiding certain triggering foods, smells and noises. Light physical activity, such as walking, may help. Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques, and try to keep a regular diet and sleep schedule. Before taking any medication containing aspirin, such as Excedrin, consult a doctor first.


  • How are sinus headaches treated?

    Treatment of sinus headaches is usually directed toward symptom relief and treating the infection. Treatment might include antibiotics for the infection, as well as a short period of pain and fever reliever (such as acetaminophen, aspirin), decongestants (such as phenylephrine, a vasoconstrictor to decrease nasal congestion), or antihistamines to treat the symptoms.

  • How are cluster headaches treated?

    While there is no cure for cluster headaches, using a combination of over-the-counter medicines and treatments could help decrease the severity and length of pain. Other treatments may include oxygen inhalation, injection therapy, or even doctor-prescribed preventive treatments. Always consult your doctor first for a treatment plan that is right for you.

    Learn more about cluster headaches.

  • How are tension headaches treated?

    Tension headaches can be treated with a wide variety of over-the-counter medications such as fast-acting Excedrin, and can also be treated with a combination of prescription medication and holistic measures (such as massages, acupuncture, or deep breathing). Always consult your doctor first for a treatment plan that is right for you.

    Learn more about tension headache treatment.

More from Excedrin

Head Care products are not intended to treat migraines.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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