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Treating headaches doesn’t have to be complicated, especially when you figure out the treatment(s) that work best for you. See how Excedrin can help provide head pain relief, and always consult your doctor with any headache treatment questions.

get tension headache relief with Excedrin tension headache

Get Relief With Aspirin-Free Excedrin Tension Headache Treatment

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Treating tension headaches

Tension Headache Treatments

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types of headaches and head pain women

Why You Shouldn't Avoid Headache Treatment

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The doctor patient relationship

6 Ways To Have A Better Relationship With Your Doctor

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Woman smiles on a hiking trail

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Different head pain needs may need different types of treatment. Answer a few simple questions and get personalized product recommendations.

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Man embraces woman while they both smile

Migraine relief that works

Whether you’re experiencing head pain from a migraine or related symptoms, Excedrin has been trusted for migraine relief for over 50 years.

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