What makes a migraine different?
Migraines are so much more than “just a headache.” There are various types and symptoms, and they can also differ in terms of length and frequency. Migraine attacks can last anywhere between 4 and 72 hours, and can greatly impact your social, family and work life.1 By learning the difference between a headache and migraine, you can recognize the early warning signs and manage your symptoms more effectively.


Pain on One Side of the Head

Sensitivity to Light or Sound
Migraine diagnosis and treatment
Although there is currently no cure for migraines, a number of treatment options are available to help you cope with the condition.
Once you’re diagnosed with migraines, your doctor will help you determine which treatments are right for you. This will depend on the type, frequency and severity of your headaches, as well as your individual medical history and any pre-existing conditions.1
Every person is different and what works for one migraine sufferer may not be effective for another – so there may be a bit of trial and error before you find the best medicine or treatment to control your migraines.