Learn about a few of the most common migraine subtypes.
Anyone who has suffered a migraine headache can tell you how much pain they can cause and how quickly it can ruin your day. But what exactly does ‘migraine headache’ mean?
A migraine headache is a painful and sometimes chronic headache that can come on quickly, often leading to severe pain around the temple area on one side of the head, which can also extend to the face, sinuses, jaw and neck.
Migraines can last anywhere from an hour to a few days. Migraine sufferers are often hit with bouts of nausea and/or vomiting as well as sensitivity to light or sound.
Other migraine symptoms that may occur before or during a migraine include:1,2
- Chills or a fever
- Fatigue and/or dizziness
- Changes in appetite (loss of appetite or food cravings)
- Increased thirst or urination
- Anxiety or other mood changes
- Constipation
- Diarrhea (rare)
According to recent statistics, about 12 percent of the U.S. population and roughly 14.7 percent of people worldwide suffer from migraines, usually between the ages of 15 (adolescence) and 55 (menopause).3,4In addition, migraines have a tendency to run in families.3
Women are three times more likely to suffer migraines than men, which is largely driven by hormonal changes.4 More than half of migraines occur right before, during, or after a woman has her period. Why this happens is still unclear, but experts think that the drop in the hormone estrogen just before your period may trigger a menstrual migraine.5 Stress is another common migraine trigger.
It is important to know what type of migraine you have because management can vary for different migraine types. Here are a few of the most common types of migraine:
Migraines Without Aura6
Migraines without aura are the most common type of migraines, experienced by 70 to 90 percent of migraines sufferers. They begin with pain and no advance warning.
Episodes of migraine without aura can last between 4 and up to 72 hours. The headache is usually felt on one side of the head with a throbbing or pulsating pain which can affect daily life.