Choose your words carefully when it comes to the complicated condition of migraines.
If you’re not among those who experience migraines, consider yourself lucky. However, no matter how much you think you know about migraines, every sufferer’s experience is different.
Next time you’re talking with a friend who’s dealing with a migraine, avoid sounding insensitive by steering clear of these seven comments.
“It’s just a headache!” Tension-type headaches involving mild to moderate pain — these are your standard, everyday headaches — are very common. Migraines, on the other hand, are completely different. They often come with very severe head pain that can extend to the face and neck and last up to 72 hours, plus a whole host of other migraine symptoms including aura, sensitivity to light and sound, chills, nausea, vomiting, tingling and weakness.
“You should try ____ .” There are countless suggestions for migraine prevention out there, and chances are, if you’re dealing with a veteran migraine sufferer, they’ve tried many tactics. Migraine triggers vary from person to person, so the fact that your co-worker’s cousin’s hairdresser doesn’t eat aged cheese or hot dogs because of her migraines won’t necessarily benefit the person you’re talking to.
“It must be nice to skip work.” Everyone appreciates a mental health day here and there, but those who experience frequent migraines are probably very upset and stressed about having to miss work and turn down social engagements (not to mention the additional stress of making it up). The disruptions that migraines can cause in someone’s daily life are not something to envy.