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How to Help Your Partner Through a Migraine

How to Help Your Partner Through a Migraine

If your partner is suffering from a migraine, these tips will help both of you navigate through it

For some, the vision may go first, then there may be nausea, followed by terrible head pain where even the brush of a soft blanket against the skull hurts. It’s called a migraine, and for those who get them — especially bad ones — it can sometimes be indescribable how horrible the pain feels.

For those who haven’t ever had a migraine, consider yourself lucky! But there’s a chance your significant other might get these debilitating headaches. If so, here’s what to do, and what not do, when your partner has a migraine.

Dos and Don’ts When Your Partner Has a Migraine

Do talk quietly.

While you may only be trying to help, realize that your partner’s head feels like there’s a wrecking ball inside of it. So, if you want to ask them what you can do to help, do so in a whisper.

Don’t have the TV on loud in the next room.

You might not think it’s loud when you have the TV on a normal volume, but if your significant other is experiencing a migraine, chances are it sounds much louder to them and hurts their head that much more. Consider shutting the TV off or watching your show on a personal device, like your phone or tablet, to respect your partner.

Do bring them water and medicine.

When it comes to migraines, a great option is Excedrin Migraine, which quickly relieves the pounding pain of a migraine with a specialized combination of ingredients. Offer to get some for your partner and bring a big glass of water, too.

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Do let them have space.

In a lot of cases, medicine and time are all that can heal a migraine, so don’t rush your partner to try to feel better just because there’s something you need from them. Give them the time and the space they need to recover. Sometimes it can take a full 24 hours, so be patient.

Don’t turn on bright lights.

Light can worsen symptoms of migraines, so turning on a bunch of lights might not only intensify symptoms, but can actually prolong them, too. Instead, help create a soothing, dark place for your partner to rest and recover.

Do believe them.

Every person who gets migraines experiences them differently, so if what your partner is describing doesn’t sound like symptoms you’ve heard of before, don’t write them off or assume your partner is overreacting. Trust us, no one would even want to fake experiencing a full-on migraine if they had the choice! Listen to your partner and try to understand what they’re saying, and then help give them what they need.


    1. Migraine Fact Sheet: Hypnic Headache, The Migraine Trust. Last accessed July 9, 2015.

    2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Insufficient Sleep Is A Public Health Epidemic

    3. Insufficient Sleep Is A Public Health Epidemic Headache. 2005 July-August;45(7):904-10.

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